Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Day of Firsts on Mothers Day

may 13th. finally a first ride on the mojo, yeesh....
 A day of firsts is right! I could call this the "Christmas present ride" as I broke out all the gifts that have been sitting patiently waiting in my den since December 25th, 2011. Normally I break out all all the gifts earlier but this hasn't been a stellar year thus far...

So it was the first ride with the new Camelback Hawg, new jersey, new gloves, it was also the first ride of the year in Fort Saskatchewan, and first time sharing the trails with Jason in the short epic trail system, and last but not least. The first ride on the Mojo of the year, this is the most action that bike has seen since we had a bath on Valentines day! Ouch!

wide bars in ft saskatchewan can rake on a poor guys nerves
the grin cause the man conquered
 The trails this morning were very dry, in fact the whole valley was dry which made sense of all the fireban's. Getting out and just about cleaning the whole trail made me feel pretty good considering how poor my few and far between rides have been. Jason had a hard time with the tight singletrack and his wide bars and even had contact with a tree causing a bar end plug to jump ship. He pulled it together on the return trip and rode the Fort trails like a champ.

The morning ride ended and we were both dry. In Fort Saskatchewan that could be a pretty good thing, the weather was incredible and so was the ride. Do I chalk this up as best of the year so far? This one still might be number one, but today was close...

coming out of one of the "danger zones"

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...