Friday, May 25, 2012

Thank You Edmonton River Valley

this is what it's all about boy's and girls...
 After every trip I go on I seem to have some sort of hate on for where I live, I've gotten better as I get older but there still is that thing in me. I don't know why I do that but sadly just can't help it. On countless trips to the mountains when I was young I would return home with a serious hate on for Edmonton. Why didn't I just move there you ask? I tried and there were no jobs and then I met somebody who refused to move away from the place she was raised. Thus...

I returned home from six days of New York city yesterday and in the span of returning from the airport and driving around town I saw countless retards in jacked up pick up trucks with giant stickers in their back windows claiming their love for Monster energy drinks and mixed martial arts. I saw grown men riding choppers revving them constantly up and down the streets trying to make up for the lost youth they let slip away. One thing about Alberta is it's all about loud motors and testosterone. I have no problem with somebody loving large diesel trucks or choppers, it's just the manner in which these white trash redneck hillbilly's represent themselves.

I returned and started hating very fast. I knew the best thing to do would be to hit the valley before I started getting very grumpy. Mill Creek greeted me with open arms and I felt at home again, the singletrack was wet from what looked like lots of rain. I handled Mill Creek and entered Ewok and started spinning out and making tracks. I quickly left and rode multi use where I could, tried some more singletrack near the Old Timers Cabin after a trip downtown and fell in love with Edmonton all over again. The trail network in our valley has to be one of the best in North America for a large city. Yes we have douchetards running amok all over the place but we have one kick ass river valley. That makes coming home all that better.

digging for gold or maybe some sewer repair in mill creek
a bridge in mill creek that will probably be closed for the season, why?
I haven't the foggiest idea. why do they do these things down there?

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...