Sunday, October 21, 2012

Seattle Picture Post #2 Yay Sports!

The inactivity on here is something I would like to apologize for deep down from the bowels of my dirty, dirty, non biking soul. There have been some pretty serious things happening which is seriously affecting my after work ride times. The weekend rides are not really happening as right now it just feels great to sit on a Saturday and Sunday and do nothing. Ya, I know. I'm officially one of "those" people! I didn't start making it a priority to hit Costco on Saturday afternoon so I know I'm not completely wrecked yet.

I know next week will be much of the same inactivity with probably a picture post of Banff as I will be there for a work thing which means no riding. The plus side of all the madness right now is the purchase of a new camera (which was not brought on the Seattle trip) which has the inner nerd in me giddy with extreme nerdness. I do need some sort of a remote timer to purchase to help out with the riding shots so if there is anybody out there that can think of something good left that reads this let me know, you can find my email in the profile.

As for the pics below: Seattle: The sports edition. Mariners on the weekend and then some controversial Monday Night Football madness.  The players having to come back out from the locker room in the last picture to kick the extra point was pretty great.

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...