Saturday, May 18, 2013

Terwillegar to Science Park

On a simply stellar Saturday a meet up with Jason happened, a helmet was forgotten and a detour was had to pick up said helmet (oh silly, silly me). The ride from Terwillegar to the Science park wasn't high on the kilometers, but I felt it in my legs and my lungs about mid way. Another sign that my fitness is not even close to being there yet as Jason dropped me like the Vancouver Canucks were dropped in the playoffs.... See that? Hockey reference, just keeping my Canadian citizenship intact.

Aside from the pain and suffering the ride was a giant win, unlike the Vancouver Canucks (that's two. I'm on a roll). Lots of unexplored trails for the new Altitude and even myself  made me think of how great this city really is when it comes to mountain biking. I really think Edmonton is heads and shoulders above most non mountain cities when it comes to fat tires.

guess where and win lunch, ok wait a minute, I'm not buying anyone lunch...
mackinnon singletrack is my crack cocaine (I'd bet rob ford would understand that one) 

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..