Friday, October 18, 2013

Beer Friday. Phillips, Crooked Tooth, Pumpkin Ale

Pumpkin flavoured everything is out right now and it has gotten me all hot and bothered. All the major coffee chains have now hopped on the pumpkin spiced latte bandwagon trying to be all hip and cool like Starbucks. Now I see Tim Horton's has started selling them meaning only one thing. They want a part of the pumpkin spiced latte market share... I'm terribly sorry, that was incredibly boring. Boring but true! Did you know that Tim Horton's stock price currently sits at $61.28? With a gradual rise over the last eleven months from $46 this seems like a pretty sweet deal. Now they offer pumpkin spiced latte's! Holy shit! That stock will skyrocket! Are you with me still....? Hello? Oh dear I seem to have lost all my readers. I'm sorry, so sorry...

Phillips brewery was founded by a guy named Matt in two thousand and one in Esquimalt, British Columbia. No, there are no stock prices for this small brewery as these guys would probably not give a jack shit about having their small craft brewery go public. Esquimalt as preached before on here is home to Western Canada's largest naval base. A feat that only can be beaten probably by any of the bases occupied by our neighbours down south, they can be such show-offs.

The pour was done, a head was formed, yet I wasn't happy with my beer pouring performance tonight as I left a good half an inch to the top of the glass. One sniff of this and I knew we had a winner amongst us. Well how could it not be? This is Fall beer season. The taste was incredible, holding the glass up and smelling the cinnamon and nutmeg was a bit underwhelming yet a strong showing of pumpkin was there to tease the senses, the taste hit me and I was awash in a sea of dream beer where I could not control my senses. A loud roar emitted itself from deep down in my esophagus and I smashed my beer tasting mug on the wall. Oh yes ladies and gentleman. I just had one incredibly great beer orgasm! This is a pumpkin ale that tastes like pumpkin. The aftertaste is quite incredible and thinking about it has me all hot and bothered for more. With none to be found I will finish off the night clinging to the empty bottle and licking the inside that once housed this incredible beer. Well done Phillips! Well done! I am standing and applauding as I type this.

This beer gets 5 suds out of 5

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