Friday, January 24, 2014

Beer Friday. Lazy Mutt Authentic IPA

Friday already? Really? Well I am really not prepared for this. I have had no pre meetings with the beer review staff and have no idea what to put for the intro... So we will just keep this one short and sweet and get into the good stuff.

Lazy Mutt, a beer from Minhas brewery in Calgary, Alberta. Yes Calgary. A fine place to go and beat up some of those pesky Flamer fans. Or a fine place to go hang out for a weekend. The feeling in the air in that fine city is pretty darn incredible. With only a forty five minute drive to mountain bliss I can truly say I'm kind of jealous of those Calgarian's. Except for having to cheer for that hockey team of course. Minhas brewery was born from Mountain Crest beer. A beer made famous by high school kids getting drunk in the bushes. Well that's no way to be made a legend they thought so craft beer was born from Minhas brewery.

Lazy Mutt IPA. Yes IPA stands for India PAle Ale. A hoppy beer born in England which is something I normally do not jump up and down when thinking about. The IPA's on this blog have always been getting into trouble from their somewhat sour taste. I knew one day my beer drinking abilities would come to full heed and I would soon brandish this style of beer while running topless through a flowery field full of dewberries. I'm halfway through this one and it's incredibly good. Could Lazy Mutt be the saviour in the dark lonebiker IPA dungeon? A pour that was perfect (you can thank the reviewer for that one, and your welcome!) With a taste that gave me a citrus hop bitterness yet was saved with the same hops that sent my taste buds into an orgasmic overture. A sexy lacing grabbed ahold of my glass as this one was downed and was a pleasure to watch. Yes Lazy Mutt, you may have me on the IPA bandwagon soon enough.

This beer gets 4 suds out of 5

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