Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday Mornings. I Love You

A ride around the now usual stomping grounds on a warm Saturday morning which seemed to bring the runners out of the woodwork. They were everywhere on a day that could have been a bit colder for my liking. The ride was one of the better ones for the new year but I still seem to be struggling greatly with low fitness levels. That being said I did feel an improvement over the last time I spun pedals in this beautiful valley we are so lucky to have. This was the first ride in a week all thanks to lack of a vehicle.

I made my first entrance into singletrack and was slapped hard across my face by the almighty bike God's. I could not hold a line on the tight singletrack packed down by this now giant fatbike craze and kept drifting into the deep snow. I wished I had a fatbike at the time and as I sit at home and type this I know that is not the answer. I need to improve on lot's of things if I want to have a good year.

The upside of the ride today. It felt incredible to be out this morning. This bike ride from the Queen up to the High Level and back on the north side reaffirmed my belief that bikes really are the greatest things in the world.

Now if you'll excuse me. I have a football game to get ready for...

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...