Saturday, April 4, 2015

Beer Friday. Yukon Brewing, Up the Creek

Beer fucking Friday! It's about fucking time! Oh Lord thundering Jesus fucking shitballs, I see I am still switched on to 'Fort Mcmurray' talking mode. Let me turn the swearing off here. Just give me a second or two...

How the fuck is this? Is it any god damn better?

Oh fuck me... Maybe give me a minute to fix this.

How about now? Are we good? Let me test this with writing down something that makes me angry. The clueless dog walker walked in the middle of the trail with headphones in and let their dog crap right in the middle and didn't clean it up...

Hmmm... I didn't swear. I think we are good kids! The rest of this beer review can be rated PG-13.

Today's beer review comes to you from Yukon Brewing. A brewery that has done ok on this here beer reviewing blog in the past.

Yukon brewing located in Whitehorse, Canada. A gem sitting in the middle of what would be nowhere to the unchallenged and boring individual. This place is an activity goldmine with trails galore well suited to one who knows better and doesn't appreciate hanging out in a mall.

The pour of this Canadian authentic beer made with maple syrup was done with many eyes on the newly hired head beer pourer Reginald. I swore at him in my best McMurray voice as he started, 'You fuck this up you'll be lucky if you are pouring 7 Up at Mcdonalds! You hear me peanut fuck!?'

He was scared. Don't think I'm a dick. It's what the kid needed. This beer review blogging business is cutthroat.

He poured that beer like a champ. A perfect 1.5 fingered head crowned the top of a murky golden coloured beer that beat its chest as it sat in the glass. Yes, it was that proud. I smelled it and sadly got nothing. I don't blame the beer for this atrocity, I blame my nose which is currently in the middle of Springtime allergy season. The first sip gave me an earthy bread malt with the sap hidden but still there wanting to be noticed. The rest of the beer was fine. A definite mix of earthy tones were well received in this one. A fine beer to lay back and listen to some Gordon Lightfoot and reminisce on your hockey playing days with dreams of the NHL which sadly turned into you working in a cubicle.

Life is funny.

This beer gets 3.5 suds out of 5

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