Monday, May 25, 2015

Root Passion

On another killer day it was a ride from Old Timers to Patricia Ravine via the famed bridge that nobody knows about, the Fort Edmonton Footbridge. Well people who don't ever go to the valley and enjoy the good life that is.

Everything about today was pretty much perfect and I could not ask for a better bike day. The hardtail rode like a champ despite it's lack of maintenance shortcomings where yours truly is to blame.

The trails are dry and very dusty. So a warning for you fine folks who are heading out. The dryness combined with a shitload of mosquitoes that will eat you alive if you are not careful would be my only complaints about these current conditions.

Complaints? Who really is complaining right now? I'll gladly put up with mosquitoes swarming just to have the moments I had today. From Old timers to Gnome, and eventually hitting Mackinnon's Holier than Holy root infested singlertack. Needless to say I had my faptacular moments. The roots were challenging and awesome and I stopped the bike several time to convulse on the ground as I could not contain myself any longer. I seriously love riding the roots and if you don't. Rethink why. It is what makes mountain biking so great.

The ride introduced me to Bobsled trail. Sadly a trail that I just popped my proverbial bike cherry on and I sat on the side of the trail and wondered why it took me so long to ride it. It is very typical Edmonton riding. It reminds me of Ewok Forest in a way. Only shorter, its a shitload of fun that lasts only about two minutes. Luckily these trails are all more or less connected.

Have I mentioned the hardtail was incredible today? Rocky Mountain? What's a Rocky Mountain?

hot weather and this... nuff said
shortly after almost ingesting a wasp, a bike photo
homeward bound on pure sexy titanium goodness

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...