Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ride Fail at 5.7 KM

A quick ride that ended all thanks to an under inflated wheel which was a result of the poor ride I experienced in Bragg Creek which mad me drop to my knees and yell at the top of my lungs "WHY BRAGG CREEK... WHY! WHY MUST YOU STRIKE AGAIN?" All the while weeping and spitting as I yelled. All this, in front of other river valley dwellers including a couple who look like it was their first time down in the valley for a walk.

Yep. Pretty sure they won't be back. Sorry Don Iveson.

The ride fail was easily my fault. I mean, who heads out for a ride and doesn't check their tire pressure? Especially after a flat in the mountains! Yep, I did!

The actual incident resulted in a wipe out as I entered the lower Hawerlak to Fox Drive singletrack on a section that was off cambered and dropped down. My tire felt funny the whole ride but this is when it came to life and kicked me in the balls. The off camber trail almost made the tire roll off the rim. Luckily I jumped off the bike and crashed saving me a long walk back to the Jeep.

I got up and quickly remembered this was a packless ride and I had no tire inflation to keep me going. I yelled at the newbie river valley couple but they were quickly walking at a furious pace back to their car after seeing me cry and throw various woodland items that I could find into the trees. I was spazzing.

Again. Sorry Don Iveson.

The ride returned home with the focus being all the weight put on the back wheel so I could make it back to Kinseman and not have to walk.

 I am pretty sure there are disabled older ladies who walked their three legged dogs longer in the valley than what I rode today.

But hey... I still rode a bike today.

squishy squishy... if this was a boob. it would be awesome

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...