Sunday, March 26, 2017

March Madness

A meet up with Gord a couple days before my departure on a warm Sunday had all the ingredients of what a warm Sunday would be in Edmonton after a gloomy filled few weeks preceded by a heavy snow fall.

I'm quite sure everyone in town was in the river valley today or at least Mill Creek. Once we entered from the Velodrome the droves of people combined with the melted snow washed all over the paved trails had me in the joyest of moods to start off.

Gord's idea to head down onto the multi use was a good one. Once on it though you would sink into the snow making me wish I had my fat bike for just one more ride.

We exited. To hundreds of people.

We returned to peace and quiet, although you had to fight to stay moving.

The ride took us to Hawerlak all on the south side of the river. We climbed out and risked our lives riding with heavy traffic in the Whyte ave area trying to get home. I'd love to blame Gord for that one but clearly my fault. I misheard his direction and took the ride right into the heart of Whyte Avenue nice Sunday nuttiness.

To end it was great. A shit ride but what do you expect for March? Glad I'm leaving for two weeks.

abandoned bike consoled by a couple of edmonton's finest
*Top photo. Credit Gord Brenner

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