Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tales of Spring Riding

Ladies and Gentlemen. We at the apologize for the last few ride write ups, which well to me. Seem a bit boring. Or is it just the rides in general? Paved routes with the occasional multi use thrown in to try and keep things interesting. The theme has been much of the same. Not by choice. I'm being a good boy and staying off the singletrack as one should this time of the year.

The ride which wasn't supposed to happen today after evening plans fell through. The main intent was to get a picture of the bike in front of Gretzky. During the season whenever I'd ride by and pay homage to the great one I noticed they win. So I kept that up in the playoffs after seeing the first game, the boys needed me.

So tonight I made my way over via Capilano and the back way into Rogers on the LRT trails. The bike was quiet to start the ride making me happy. I arrived at Rogers and Gretzky was mobbed making a photo-op impossible. I thought  of yelling to make room for me and explain the situation.

I opted to ride away instead. Immedietly the bike started creaking again.

The ghosts of the Oilers perhaps?

Forgetting the date I rode through the legislature and came out the backside park area. A wave of pot smoke hit me. Hippies and potheads were everywhere. 'Ah yes! They are celebrating Hitlers birthday' I immedietly remembered. How weird of those hippies...

I crossed the Low Level and rode thesouth side of the valley all the way back. Hills, creaking and all.

Ride finished. Ready for singletrack. Sadly I'll have to wait a couple weeks.
if they lose, blame the people, the people were in the way
leaving ada boulevard, ho hum... 

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...