Friday, September 29, 2017

Fort Mac Detox

 After being home for a couple days and no ride happening it finally happened which seemed like it was too late.

It was short but quite incredible.

A meet up with Gord as he was in the middle of a good one in Terwillegar.

The trails.

The trees.

The smell.

All a ten out of ten on the riding awesomeness richter scale.

This was only a short section of Gord's ride as he started in Kinseman (I believe.) and hit every trail, hard or easy in between. Where exactly did he go? You know.. I should really check Strava when it comes to these questions.

His best part of his ride was meeting yours truly. That right there is a guarantee. We met at the west end of Go trail and rode back. Gord had his new 29+ bike. A Trek Stache. A bike from what I heard can do pretty much anything except walk (or ride) on water.

I apologize for no pics. I was a bit out of it today as my mind was in shock from my body being in double shock from the overstimulation of the senses.

Firemans was ridden and we crossed and rode the famed unflowy Logarithmic and then Flat Pete. I was sadly done and we parted ways as Gord rode Purgatory. A new trail making itself famous on the bike circuit.

*Gord Brenner. From top pics #3,#4, #6

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