riding in edmonton, more riding, bikes, bike pictures, music, and stellar beer reviews
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Happy New Years Knuckleheads
The above picture happened twice in the last week. The bike made it into the Winter bike transport vehicle. Or M.F.W.B.T.V as I like to call it, once the cold set in and I stood their in my unicorn rainbow comfort slippers staring at it I just lost all hope.
It's sad, I've never been like this, the weather is winning and I'm not happy. I mean, come on man, look at the condensation from my muffler in that pic. I sucked hard these two weeks but I was expecting this as the Christmas season was rolling through Lonebiker land. The cold just made things all that much more shitty.
The good news is the year end top rides and beer lists are done. That and three beer reviews. They will be posted when up.
It's travel night for me. Have a good Two-Eighteen.
Roots Bloody Roots
I had stepped out of the recluse zone for a coworker post Friday singletrack extrevaganza. Hold on... thats two "extravaganza's&qu...
I know every car guy has that one car that car that drives them crazy with feelings of lust. In some cases extreme feelings. They would give...
It was a productive day as the orange Winter wonder bike was put back together with new pedals and a brake bleed where it was successfully d...
A short and quick ride to Terwillegar was made today because I had matters to take care of afterwards. The trip out was made all to see ...