Thursday, November 22, 2018

La Glace, La Plenty

A return to the valley on the start of days off where I almost called the ride once I entered Mill Creek ravine rolling on the sheets of ice that enveloped the paved trails. This was very typical as of late for the region as Winter is being a shy little bitch and doesn't want to show it's beautiful white puffy face.

I pressed on mainly on the paved and ended up downtown where Grey Cup festivities were happening.... Wait a minute? 'We are hosting the Grey Cup this weekend?' I thought to myself... This is living proof of how out of touch I am with Canadian football. Sorry no pics of the zip line or anything.,.. I just didn't care to get a picture to be honest.

Maybe tomorrow?

How about no.

I did make it back to the valley after getting eyed by annoying security guards in the area. The trails which few were ridden were a torrent of ice, wet snow, water, and pock marks of footprints frozen into the trail. A slightly fractured rib which I thought wasn't fractured showed itself on the climbs with the heavy breathing making things a tad uncomfortable.

I'll be honest. The conditions are pure shit right now. Here is hoping we actually get an actual Winter one day.

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...