Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Oh Glamorous Pavement You Sexy Bitch

I gotta get a gravel bike or some sort of road type cruiser for these days. How many times have I said that?

*intern gets up, awkwardly leaves....

*door creaks, slowly closes..

*footsteps going away...

Anyways. A very uninspired ride from my Mill Creek home base through the valley and into the big valley and soon enough I was out. I milled about downtown for a bit and left. I swear I did not want to ride my bike today. I'm sorry it's just July. I know it's still June but the July vibes are here, an allergic reaction to something this time of year always comes making my legs wobble like a CNN or Fox news reporter having to tell the truth for once.

I hate it. It sucks. Every year at this time.

This ride and the few coming in the future will literally be only for the blog. The numbers are quite high so I feel compelled to entertain you. Apologies for being a bitch right now but this time of year and me do not get along well. And hey, thanks for reading.

As for the rest of the ride. Strange people watching on a bike downtown was top notch phenomenal. Weirdos were out in droves and I loved every second of it. I dipped back into the valley across Dawson and rode the entire Mill Creek outskirts back to home base.

it's for those fine ass edmonton views yo!
"you guys need a string line or anything"i shouted heroically from afar. 

Lardass Rides On

It's been a bummer week with a sore back and I finally said screw it and took an unplanned impromptu ride around town after work.  The r...