Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Science Park Short

Don't think I got over the Lonebiker minimum 8kms to call it an actual ride... gasp! (but I got pictures.)

So here we are. It was almost a ride that didn't happen but I pushed through to get there. The Science Park does not have a history of awesome rides as I always thought it lacked decent trails. Some people out there love it and think it is the best in the city. So I rode more open minded today and did see the appeal a bit.

The main issue for me always has been lack of flow and I did deal with that today, or trails that twist and turn with a proper purpose than suddenly its an insane forty foot climb that juts out of nowhere or other trails that lead nowhere. I do understand if you spent some time there you could make it work fine and after today's little experience maybe I will. 

I did a loop around the whole thing and enjoyed the descent by the highway in the dark. The area is a tad greasy so I was a bit on edge as I rolled through the dark trails hoping I was all alone.

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...