Tuesday, January 18, 2022

To the Golf Course

With days off rides not going as planned it was a very short scamper in the cold where I rode local and made it to the local golf course and decided my feet were starting to freeze so I turned back. 

The weather has been quite poor with rain almost all day yesterday making things quite treacherous on the roads which is why I stayed away from driving into town to ride the oh so glorious valley. The ride was quite lame and I was happy when it was over but still beat sitting on the couch.. but just barely. 

Had more pictures but the iPhone failed me. I am sorry for the lame ride, write up and lack of photos. You would think that with a title like 'To the Golf Course' there might be a picture of maybe a golf course but again. My iPhone failed me. 

The lights seem fine but the battery did drop quickly. I assume the cold weather is responsible. The light is very white and seems gentle, an odd thing to say but that is what it is like for me. With street lights and houses all around it was hard to gauge the light, valley darkness would have been so much better. 

the new light, bontrager ion comp r


Squirrel Dodger, Ride Blocker

That's right, I saved the lives of two squirrels as I came around that sweet Fort Saskatchewan singletrack and on two separate corners t...