Saturday, April 23, 2022

Beer Friday. Brewsters, Honest Paul IPA

 Brewsters was doing the micro brewing well before it was even considered cool. They had a small chain of restaurants around Alberta? Wait... Was it just Alberta? I am pretty sure just Alberta and no, I am not doing a search, although for some reason I could see them having a location in Saskatoon. 

A recent outing there brought us some sell offs of their Honest Paul IPA. Their website claims this one will make you a story teller. I would assume the 6.5% alcohol content might have something to do with that as alcohol turns a lot of people into yarn spinners.

The beer review team arrived late and we poured this into the Park Tools mug and it showed a burnt golden beer with a lid of a two fingered head. A day of slothfulness had happened as I recover from work and this was a definite sight for sore eyes. Some lacing stayed on the top for some time after then pour and followed its way down the glass with each sip. 

A slight citrus odour hits the nose, malts and floral hops give it that IPA swing. The first sip gave a great tasting beer that filled the mouth with a citrus backed lightly hoppy India Pale Ale that was brewed perfectly. I want to take the rest of this outside and sit in my back yard and enjoy that bitch outside in the beauty spring Albertan weather cause fuck ya. This beer is great! 

All around top notch IPA from an Albertan brewery legend.

This beer gets 4.5 suds out of 5.

*yes it was short, i am tired as fuck

Seahawk Gameday

 Just like last weekend I had a mid sized ride on the gravel bike and rode the mountain bike the next day and my legs didn't last as lon...