Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Fort Saskatchewan Fun Ender

Today was a day to take it easier on the legs so I rode the fine trails of Fort Saskatchewan for a quick 12 km rip. It is usually about 17 but the dreaded bridge construction is non ending and for once they had workers there so I didn't want to be a dickwad and ride through. Although by the looks of the workers none of them would have cared

A good ride where I had more in me than I thought after a longer one yesterday. Yes it was thirty km so snicker away ya dicks. 

A good ride but too many foot put downs and quick hike a bike up steep sections for my liking. Other than a few of those it was pretty great. Although I was a bit frustrated at walking up steeps I have never walked up before. 

I cried for a good twenty minutes at the new paved walkway with boardwalk/deck or whatever the fuck that is and felt better.

I tried the newish Middlestone trail and although it incorporated the old loop (or so I believe) it was kind of meh in relation to the old stand by trails in that area. I have been in a bit of a tizzy lately so maybe I wasn't thinking too clearly. I do think it would be way better in the Winter though on some orange fat sexiness if you know what I mean...

A quiet day ended a good day and sadly end of day shift days off. Nights are looming strongly. 

a new line cut to avoid the steep descent and ascent on the north east side trails, why? 

newish trail. sure i have been here before but i prefer the old school trails

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...