Thursday, January 12, 2023

Flat Pete Turnaround

 Getting the cobwebs worked out after another rough work week and this ride was a ten out of ten on the "oh that was just a delight" scale. It will in no way make any sort of ride of the year lists but it certainly won't make the worst rides of the year list.


I was worried. It was a very rare Terwillegar start as I wondered where I could go to get the blood flowing and have it be nice and easy not hunkering down and climbing lots of hills. You know? I wanted a pussy ride. Fort Saskatchewan was my first thought but it can be hit or miss in the Winter and I assumed the east side trails would be pretty much untouched. 

Terwillegar was the winner and a ride around the outside bend with an ending in Oliskew on the log trail and the Pete's was quite enticing. You know, nice and quick and staying out of those pesky hills. It was a perfect start to the week off. 

The snow was ok but a bit loose on some of the corners. Annoying fat tire ruts on the small ups and downs make me wonder why.  The Pete's were fun as always and Logarythmic was its usual better winter self. A pre ride brake bleed had me in safe hands with those Avid Elixer brakes keeping me in complete control of those deadly Flat Pete trails.

ha ha ha, fook me I'm funny. 

Great little ride kids!

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