Friday, February 9, 2024

Beer Friday. Super Bowl Spectacular

 Well here we are on Super Bowl weekend and I don't think I have done this yet and pitted two super bowl teams against one another for overall beer supremacy. Super bowl hype has reached its exorbitant level in all the lands with many asking "will this be Taylor Swift's first super bowl win!?" Well a lot of fourteen year old girls I would guess. So to get you ready I have a beer that represents each city to the best of my intentions… 

Well….   I wanted to get a beer from San Francisco and that Taylor Swift teams home city to pit against one another as that made the most sense but it seems I could not locate beer from either city and decided to look for covers that represent the cities the best. Cows for the Taylor city and a VW van with surfboards representing San Francisco. 

Yes, I am aware that the San Fran beer has a name synonymous with the Swift team but it is spelled differently all right. You get that? My interns have given me enough grief about this already so lets not get into a whole thing about it all right? It spelled Kelsey not Kelce!

Got it!? 

So we will begin with the underdog which has to be San Francisco. Hold on… let me check the spread. Ok wait… The 49ers are the favourite? Are these people insane? The other team has won a bunch already and you do not bet against that quarterback. Well since the beers are not really true to their hometown I'm making the 49ers the underdog and I am reviewing…  

Kelsey's, West Coast IPA

To think I almost used my Wayne Gretzky glass for this one representing the 49ers

Yes Canmore is a long ways away from San Francisco and the cover of the can is more of an LA or Maui thing but this is what you get. Sheepdog Brewing has this west coast IPA which is still San Francisco kids. Yes, n case you were wondering I cannot stand the 49ers and will not be happy if I see them win which is why I am with the Swifties if you could believe.

It poured a heavy head and I punched the beer pourer professional in the back of the head knocking him the fuck out. 

Ok. I'll admit I am pretty upset both these teams are in the super bowl and I took some rage out on the beer pourer. 

It did settle for a three fingered head and gave off hints of a hoppy but an overbearing hops beer despite it being an IPA which is the current trend.  The air had a citrus like tinge to it a nose hairs whisper away from the beer. 

It tasted quite good and now I am worried for Taylors team. A nice and smooth citrus like IPA  that does speak of grapefruit and pine needles spun together in some sort of magical beer tumbler. Pine needles you say? Well it tastes like what pine needles should taste like based on their smell. It does smell quite delicious. 

This beer gets 4.0 suds out of 5. 

Superflux Brewing, Moo Cow IPA

A much better pour for Vancouvers Superflux brewing Moo Cow IPA and the smell was quite more impressive than what the 49ers beer had. This one reprepresents the Taylor Swifties Chiefs. No this is not me picking favourites here cause believe me, in this game there are zero favourites. I only want the Swifties to win because I deplore the 49ers. 

I also thought this one would taste like milk given the cover. I did wonder if other people thought that and it hurt sales. Hence probably why you can't find this on their website so good luck finding it. 

The famous Wayne Gretzky mug and maybe the greatness of the great one will rub off on this beer. I had the first sip and it was a lot more citrusy than the other one. 

Well shit, the first sip took my expectations down a notch. Like I said it was quite citrusy. A bit too citrusy for an IPA. Give me sour but more than what citrus puts out. This one is still quite good and I would recommend finding it if possible.

It is nice and refreshing which in my remembrance of IPA's thats not how I remember them. You want fresh take me to a mountain stream not the IPA aisle of the local beer store.

This beer gets 3 suds out of 5.

Booo… this means the 49ers are winning the super bowl. Lonebiker beer reviews do not lie. 

To the Strippers!

I had originally planned on riding to the airport and back after turning down the idea of a hot September Saturday and the trails full of pe...