Thursday, August 26, 2010

I had other intentions for this ride/post .

Carl , and the blue Ibis

 The intentions were good . Dedicate a posting to the bottom bracket that served me well since last May .

Wait a minute ! How lame is that ? Who really cares about bottom brackets ? And seriously , it`s tanked already and it`s only 15 months old ! XTR ? WTF ? Well thank God I ran into Carl with the blinged out Mojo SL . I would have been stuck trying to take shots of the lower midsection of my bike , probably trying to overlook some part of the valley .
Ran into this guy a couple times now and was taken back on how nice his Mojo looked compared to mine . The lucky bastard has an "SL" which stands for "super light" . Or in my case "super lusty".......Is lusty a word ? After a few short kilometres we ran into a couple guys I used to ride bikes with back in the day . Val and Kevin , from the Coast Bicycle Clan , does anyone remember that place ? That was the shop where I started riding . Guy , the owner now runs a sports shop in Fort Saskatchewan .

The ride ended with Val on his way home just off Mill Creek . No pictures for you as I feel a little creepy asking everybody I run into on a mountain bike if I could take their picture . Hopefully soon I will meet up with Carl for a run in good old Fort Saskatchewan . He is off to Afghanistan in a few months with our Armed Forces . For that he get`s a special lonebiker hats off .

yes , I was a little jealous ....

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...