Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Riding . Mill Creek - Gretzky bridge

 Ya , I know . I did this one last night . I rode it backwards tonight so it was all good . As you know riding the same trail backwards is completely different . The night was absolutely spectacular and the people knew it . I had my valley pretty much to myself until 6 p.m , when the floodgates opened and everybody showed up to take advantage of the fine weather ..........Probably cause they knew what`s coming .

On the downside I wore the same jersey three rides in a row now and well that`s just wrong boy`s and girls . The smell has now gotten quite repulsive and the picture above was the reaction I got on the trail . If you were out there tonight I truly am sorry !

Not only was the smell bad tonight . The BB on the couch bike was quite bad tonight and I ended up throwing in the headphones halfway through the ride cause that creakin shit is annoying . the folks above heard me ride by , or maybe they were just listening to this .......

I`m sorry about that................ I truly am !

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...