Monday, December 26, 2016

End of Year 2016. The Worst Rides.

Things are a bit different this year as the beer reviews and music Monday come into the best of picture. Essentially covering almost every aspect of the blog other than the photos. The Elitist in me wants to post the best pics but the sensible side says "hey! Calm down peanut fuck, now you are gonna post the best pics you took!?"

Although.... Others have pics on here and some have been outstanding.

To start things off we are picking the worst rides of the year.

5. This One Deserves No Strava Kudos

Whats worse than driving all the way to Fort Saskatchewan to have no gas in the tank? A huge waste of time where the theme of the shitty rides is having no legs. I had none on this venture. Running into Jason (and the Dirt Girls) at the end was sadly the only highlight. Whoa.. wait. It was seeing the Dirt Girls. Sorry Jason.

4. One For the Yawn Files

The write up sums this one up perfectly.  Just barely three sentences... A ride from Kinseman which sadly ended just after Hawerlak. No legs again, and no Dirt Girls to cheer me up.

3. 6-6 Overtime Ride

The title themed after my football team played one of the weirdest games in it's existence, and they have had lots of weird games! The weather was getting to me on this one. Here we were mid Fall and the trails were all pure shit thanks to the horrible weather we have been having. Not two kilometers in on multi use and my bike was a complete shit show mess.

2. Snow Day, Mud Day

A meet up with a couple brethren members!? Yes, even those rides have bad ones too. After wondering what bike to take after a dump of snow after countless days of rain I took the fat bike. Well we all did... Lots of snow but more mud. I was quite pissy in the early stages as my five inch tires threw mud all over me and my poor Winter bike. This was shit bike weather and I was done. Kent and Gord were troopers and carried on for a bit. In the end the mud won.

1. Worst Ride of the year is....! Spiritless, lethargic and Pissy

Don't even remember this but reading it I know what happened. Yes, worst ride of the year with no doubt. No legs, no spirit. Should have stayed home and did a beer review.

Those are the worst rides of Two-Sixteen, Sorry if you were in them or a part of them, it was clearly a case of a "it's not you, it's me" scenario. With a ride cancelled today as my kids seemed much more important (and they were) I hope to have a couple more to close out the year. Wednesday and Thursday are my last days off of Two-One-Six. So till then..

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