It was stupid cold today and thankfully people on Twitter and Instagram made sure to post screenshots from their phones weather app as if they feel they are doing a service to the world to let them know how cold it is on their side of the world with captions like "ugh, I miss Mexico" or "only in Alberta LOL." Yes I am sure you would love to go back to Mexico you fat alcoholic so you can drink for a week straight and come back with more boring drunk Mexico stories to bore your co workers with.
Oh boy I think that cold ride put me in a mood and I didn't get my post ride bath! On the coldest bike ride of the year, oh the horror.
The ride was below the Lonebiker minimum 8km to get posted rule but I am posting it because people will think I'm rad for riding in cold weather. So fuck ya kids!
Well no, due to lack of riding and posts about riding I feel any content is better than no content, oh and plus you will think I am super rad for riding in the super cold. The route was in Capilano where I found the now old classic Golddigger where I bailed out as I felt very uncomfortable with the heavy breathing, cold weather and heavy amounts of clothing which I felt quite restricting. It was a weird feeling and I did not like it.
I pussied out and rode multi use and crossed the mighty Ainsworth Dyer footbridge where I rode up top and rode along the houses for a bit and found the Capilano footbridge where I crossed and ended it. My right foot was starting to get very cold so it was good timing.