Friday, January 13, 2023

Hey Jason, Been a Little While

 It was January the twenty third of 2018 when I had the last one on one ride with Jason This ride right here.. It brings me great pleasure to announce that this day the 13th of Friday the year of our Lord Two-Thousand & Twenty Three a meetup with Jason happened yet again. 

It was a Jason meet up so a fun time was expected including an early meet up at Mill Creek pool which was not surprisingly requested by Jason, I have gotten into the lonebiker routine of mid afternoon to late evening starts now going on forever. It is good to get out of the routine sometimes and do something like this so when I saw the time request I was in.

Meet at 7 you say? Fuck ya Jason. 

It was cold as we went down the paved to start out, A left turn took us into Old Timers for some singletrack and in the dark morning coldness I was loving it. The cold morning weather did end things in a hurry and after a Walterdale crossing we found the TawatinĂ„ and headed home after hitting the Trap and Hulk Hogan. A trail I have ridden for years and never knew or I guess cared it had a name. It is a fun trail downwards and the climb going reverse isn't bad at all. 

Hell ya Hulk Hogan. In the end a good meet up with an old friend. 

Lardass Rides On

It's been a bummer week with a sore back and I finally said screw it and took an unplanned impromptu ride around town after work.  The r...