An impromptu after work ride after I once again hid under my wife's skirt (ok now I'm sorry but was that sexist? I kinda thought it would be funny but I am now a somewhat older guy who can be a bit clueless.)
Hold on. I gotta Google if hiding under my wife's skirt is a sexist remark.
Well now.... Google says nothing but my Mom says it is but what does she know?
The whole remark concerns me wussing out again as the weather was quite fowl hence the underskirt hiding.
A ride happened in the usual Leduc area. It was fine but a bit too cold and windy and in the beginning I was a bit grumpy. I came to life before the loop around and decided to do the little extension to the cool airplane park which should be named after a former local air force hero.
It sounds boring but I am really digging that gravel bike and find it so much fun to ride. So in the end it was a great little rip.