Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Pre Easter Roll Into Terwillegar

A meetup with Gord on a rather splendid morning on some kick ass paved trails. That last sentence was a lie. Paved trails do not kick ass but given the circumstances regarding the current trail situations, I was happy to ride today. So yes, maybe paved trails do kick ass.

On that note. Stay off the singletrack trails. bike traffic and foot traffic will fuck that shit up.

The ride was the same one that was done a few weeks ago. Only this time there was no ice and instead of taking the trail up to Cameron Heights we rode the new multi use in Terwillegar that replaced the (sniff, tear) former Golf course trail singletrack.

The verdict on the new trail? For multi use it is quite good.It was packed well and it didn't feel like your wheels were sinking into the surface such as some of the dumb multi use trails you get in Edmonton. The speed of the trail was quite shocking. Before you could say "I  miss the old singletrack" we were on the cusp of Dave's Trail.

A trip to the new foot bridge under construction warranted a picture but my phone could not zoom in and capture the awesome unfolding that will soon change the bike riding routes which has me as giddy as a school girl.

Hiccups were had when my rear wheel started falling apart on the return back to the Jeep. A spoke came loose and others were on the edge of failing. It didn't take long before my rear wheel was so out of true it was rubbing on my chainstay... Hooray for shitbikes!

In the end it was a definite gooder. Gord dropped me continuously reminding me just how pathetic I have become but being the fine gentleman he is he did not go too far ahead and would slow down and wait for me to catch up like the way it should be done.

Pure class.

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...