Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A Doofus and His Shit Bike (non valley version)

A great system of weather has settled in the area for my time at home. Waking up to another wet snowfall this morning had me looking at options other than riding today. Once mini Lonebiker one and two confirmed that they were happy hanging out at home for their last day off before school started up again I knew immediately what has to be done.

The shitbike had to be set free again.

And set free it was. A start up at my old school parking spot in  Mill Creek and I was off on paved trails. A quick exit on the multi use next to Blue Man group happened. The only multi use that would be ridden today.

Quickly it was decided that bike lanes roads and paths around the south inner core of the city would be ridden. A very much apropos ride on a terrible weathered day. A cruise through the university around the future of Canada was had. Dodging each one as they were enamoured deep inside their phone had me seriously concerned for the future.

I hit Saskatchewan drive again and swore at some cars and soon found Foote Field only to realize they had a huge inflatable dome over top during the Winter. 'Huh... who knew...' I thought and was on my way.

To end, not a very exciting ride but a ride happened which counts. The shitbike is back kids so look out. Shit's going down...

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...