Monday, January 6, 2020

Valley Toe Dipper

Why does it feel like your living in another world whenever you enter the trails in the winter time? It always seems surreal to me, the way the trees mixed with snow and the falling light which creates somewhat of a narcotic state when mixed with riding bikes. No photograph taken or painting will even come close to resembling this phenomenon.

It does exist in the other seasons, this bliss that I speak of. It just seems that Winter those senses are heightened expediently quite quickly.

This was the first ride of Two- Twenty and it was just fine. A shorter ride form old school Mill Creek to Old Timers and Gnome where I turned around to ride back via Old Timers and Skyline only to find Skyline completely blocked off. Not half ass blocked off as its been for the last... two years? Been a long while anyways. My hero's at PCL are doing some piling work to curb the problem. Remember kids, they are not doing this so we can have nice trails to ride all year long, they are doing it so those multi million dollar houses don't go falling into the river.

Trail conditions are fine. Not incredible Fat bike ruts exist and that is something we are going to have to live with until it snows or people learn to ride their bikes a bit better. Ice is evident on the sharp power climbs and drops so be careful out there folks.

*edit. Google has changed the templates on here forcing me to remove the cover pic and now the large blog post pics are interfering with the gadgets on the side. I am well aware and quite angry and hope to find a solution soon. Smaller pic postings? That's not what we want in any way shape or form. Im a little bit pissed at google now.

potty break (off trail) in gnome

Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..