Saturday, January 16, 2021

Bikes are Better than Porn

A ride with promise of something a bit longer than my usual fifteen km or so rides that I seem to be averaging lately was limited to fifteen as mini Lonebiker jr's were expecting some sort of dinner on my return. 

The plan was after starting at Strathcona High school to ride the bike lanes to the valley and ride Ray Gun and Silver Fox down and head towards Farmers Daughter territory. Ride Farmers Daughter and exit out of the valley and ride back to the high school on the streets. It was a good plan but the guilt got to me and I cut it short after a slippery roll down Ray Gun where lots of loose unpacked snow made things a bit of a challenge.

I ended up taking the Hawerlak multi use out and was back on the same bike lane that took me in. 

YES, THE MAJORITY OF THE KMS RIDDEN TODAY WERE MOST LIKELY COMING AND GOING TO THE VALLEY. Oh no! I did it again... Caps lock was on. I now look like one of those morons who thinks they are making a point made stronger by the use of all caps followed most likely by multiple exclamation points which would look like THIS!!!!!

or I could have just erased that sentence and started over but I then typed all that! Now this! 

See? one exclamation point is all you need. We all know those people don't we? Lurking on company emails and puking their grammatical filth all over social media. I can make fun of these people because I was once one of them Hell... Look back on the early days of this blog and you might see that shit lurking. 

So yes, mainly a street ride with a quick valley dip. Not a bad ride overall kids, bikes do something good for the soul. You just feel like a better person after a ride. Love this sport! 

oops sorry.. I mean.

LOVE THIS SPORT!!!!!!!!!!!

current snow conditions on raygun 


Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...