Monday, March 1, 2021

It's March, Lets Ride Big Tires

Both parties involved in the ride today would probably have been better off at home on the couch watching Netflix but now that it is all over we knew we had taken the better option, well that just goes without saying it now does it? Nights still affecting myself and Kent dealing with the changing seasons or maybe we are sadly getting old as dirt..

A Kent meet up in Terwillegar as we departed his place and found Fireman's Descent where there were no fat bike tracks. Now isn't there an overload of new riders and a large amount of people riding in general? I do know the Fireman area can be dicy at times but if you don't feel comfortable than just walk a section. Or you could just cut a new section out of the trees and ride that instead of anything that challenges you. That right there is the NWO of mountain biking in Edmonton. Could this be Edmonton's Mountain bike motto? "If its Hard, Cut it Out or Make a New Trail to go round Because You are a Princess and Life Shouldn't be Hard." 

Yes, I really like that motto. A bit long but I think we captured the gist of the new riding theme for Edmonton in 2021. 

We avoided the log trail and the new Flat Pete. Had a look at an abandoned campground that was surprisingly very well taken care along the side trail in Oliskew, AOTK or BDSM? Apparently there was a guy there in the deep cold living in a tent causing no harm but not surprisingly with an over abundance of white people in the area it naturally got reported. The bottom pics tell more of a story. 

We rod Flat Pete and saw the escape route from the dip and both remarked on how many people avoid the fun stuff. Yes, it is a bit of a challenge but it really isn't that bad. I mean come on man! Flat Pete? Really? 

I can only assume new riders? Ugh.. Whatever, it shouldn't bug me but they are wrecking more forest by making these escape wussy trails instead of growing some sort of balls and riding them. Please do not take this as bragging cause we ride the dip all the time. It's fucking Flat Pete, One of the easiest trails in the valley. 

A new trail. Oh damn... I forgot the name already. Purgatory's Sista. Oh man, I'm way off but that one is pretty good eh?

Oh yes, it had something to do with clams. I'll just throw a bunch of names out and see what sticks.

Clam Avenue

Clamasouraus Rex

Dead Today Clam Tomorrow

ClamWarts (not the best I'll admit, a bit of a take on Harry Potter)

Clamapple Express

See, I don't remember the name but these are seriously all better. The trail is quite great and as per usual a huge thank you to the contributors. Some sidehill riding starts you out where the photo opportunities are out of this world. 

I will get the name when I am not so lazy, to the people who built and named it a big hearty thank you again. 

We rode the creek and multi use out of Patricia Ravine and found the roads with friendly bike lane signs and followed them and crossed the Whitemud and than Quesnell. We rode up into the trees and found Farmers Daughter where more epic views and amazing singletrack awaited.

Lame roads took us home not before hearing about a proposed pedestrian bridge linking Terwillegar up nicely. Link to project here

*Kent Steeves. Photos from top #1,#3,#6.

Lardass Rides On

It's been a bummer week with a sore back and I finally said screw it and took an unplanned impromptu ride around town after work.  The r...