Friday, May 10, 2024

Beer Friday. Sea Change Brewing, Man Crush Mandarin Ale (Joey Moss release)

 Well here we are into the playoffs and while the boys play their little hearts out, we are at Lonebiker Headquarters reviewing a beer instead of what was a well planned and thought out bike ride. The plan was to go right from work and break the Moots in finally on the 24 riding season. I had to leave work with stomach issues which killed any chance of a ride this late afternoon hence the beer review. 

Maybe this was just meant to be as it is a heavily favoured Oilers beer which was a tribute too Oilers legend Joey Moss. One of the greatest humans to walk the earth who was as a locker room attendant and goes back to ties with Gretzky and all the greats. His enthusiasm during national anthems was amazing. Joey died in 2020 which is another great reason to say "fuck 2020."

Sea Change should be familiar on here to regular readers as it is the local brew and I went out for dinner there and saw lots in the cooler. by the time our food arrived the cooler was empty and the waitress said they were sold out. This was a one time brew event but they had made another batch due to the overwhelming popularity. I had found my pack at a liquor store next to Sea Change so no loss. Sea Change has taken over Edmonton in quite an impressive way and I'd guess the best draw for cool boys and girls here in Beaumont.

It poured a light golden colour and held a one fingered head not long enough to get the photo. Now there is residue around the edge and as I inspected the suds I smelled a definite mandarin scent that was real nice and fresh. Whoa boy I was excited for this light four percent beer after the lame ass day behind me now. It was obviously light and easy with obvious notes of mandarin in fact most would say that.  

*interns stand and applaud when they see that last sentence typed out

So yes, anyways this is quite nice. Its light and tasty with.... yes, mandarin. It was nice refreshing after a rough day and they did a great job of making an enjoyable light beer.

This beer gets 4 suds out of 5. 


Lardass Rides On

It's been a bummer week with a sore back and I finally said screw it and took an unplanned impromptu ride around town after work.  The r...