Thursday, June 13, 2024

Orange Day

A Fort Edmonton start and way too tired but I sucked it up and climbed out via the Whitemud Traverse and took roads and bike lanes to Whyte Ave on yet another gravel bike ride. The climb out was rough so I decided to just stay up top and ride around town. 

After Whyte I crossed the almighty High Level and was soon in a sea of orange as the Oiler jerseys were out everywhere. I think they are still playing as I type this and I have no idea what is happening so I'll just presume they are up 83-0 or something like that.

The fans got annoying and the headphones went in and I limped back super hungry and lethargic. Thank the good lord there were no climbs on the return. 

potty break

ye old barn 


Happy Monday

I felt the fat bike God's stirring today..