Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hunting vs Biking part 3 . Equipment

O.k , o.k , it`s been a while since the last hunting vs biking installment . My main problem has been part 3 . How the hell do I really write about the differences about the equipment when it is so blatantly obvious . One is for getting outside and killing stuff , where the other is more of an exercise , although I don`t look at riding that way .

a high end bowtech bow

So here I go trying to compare "the goods" when I realized bikers and hunters are very similar that way in that we all are a little obsessed with the equipment we use and at times will spend lots of money to obtain that high end deer urine , or in my case a carbon stem .

industry 9 wheels ...........bling bling

As I said in the opening of this short little comparison "you can`t compare " and that`s just it . I think I wasted some time here posting this , but earlier I said I would post this so I did and make the two people who look at this site satisfied (hi Sheri , mom) . I think I should have gone riding tonight but felt the pressure from headquarters in beautiful downtown Chicago to get this done (those executives are real hard asses) I will leave you with links to the two previous hunting vs biking posts because I feel that this one stinks . In the next and last hunting vs biking post I take a trip back to grade 9 and post up pictures of girls Yeahhhhh !
Part 2

a common hunter at the end of a very long hunt

Hot Sticky Smoky July Suckiness

They said the temperature cooled down today from the heat wave but thanks to the humidity it was still hot wet and gross. With the new job t...